Job Quartet
A card game for you to explore different jobs, conceptualised through service design and a co-creative strategy.
For this project we started from a simple question: “why is it so difficult for children to decide which career path to follow? What makes this process such an exhausting experience?” We used the co-creative method to find a solution that could make the process easier for both children and parents, including all stakeholders in the process by arraging several workshops.
QR Code
The QR code will take you to our website where you can explore in more detail each of the jobs that picl your interest. Giving children and adults an informed decision on each job and expanding their knowledge. All the info on one place make it easier to compare, explore and learn, making the process. much more enjoyable and easier.
Furthermore, compannies that offer internships could advertise themselves on the website. This way, the user gets to rey different jobs if they wish before deciding their career path.
Expansion packs
The amount of jobs out there is unlimited, therefore providing expansion packs is nearly a must. As the goal of the card game is to provide the user with more options and unique new ideas, if they are interested in a specific sector they can get the expansion pack and discover new opportunities. Or even discover in the process that they are interested in a totally different sector!